Zoning management, standardization of workplace construction, old appearance and new appearance

Since the beginning of this year, Zhaojin Geological Prospecting has comprehensively deepened the implementation of "safety zoning and standardized management of operation sites", established a work leading group in a timely manner, and through the implementation of a package of powerful measures, the enterprise's "safety zoning and standardized management of operation sites" has achieved remarkable results. Improve ideological understanding, continuously promote benchmarking, and participate in the whole staff. In order to do a good job in benchmarking management, the company deeply analyzed the shortcomings of previous safety zoning management, revised and perfected and formulated the implementation plan of "standardized management of safety zoning and operation site", actively played an important supporting role of management and technological innovation in benchmarking work, and fully integrated benchmarking management into daily work and construction management. At the same time, in order to strengthen the learning of benchmarking management, the enterprise vigorously carries out benchmarking management learning and discussion, so that all employees can understand the importance and necessity of benchmarking learning, fully stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of employees to actively participate in benchmarking management activities, and jointly promote the further development of enterprise safety zoning management through the participation of all employees. Develop benchmarking elements, determine benchmarking items, and lay the foundation for benchmarking. Combined with the actual situation of the enterprise, the enterprise has formulated the partition management element index, determined the element index and target value, and incorporated them into the responsibility system assessment, implemented the four-level safety partition management mode, and realized the full coverage of the production area, measures such as comprehensive assessment of the completion of indicators and selection of advanced model units for the month have created a good atmosphere for all employees to participate and everyone to compete for the first place. Pay close attention to the weak links, strict system management, put an end to the three violations of the scene. First, we should take the front line as the key area of benchmarking management, deeply grasp the key links of construction, identify powerful measures and objectives to people, give full play to their respective advantages, adhere to innovation, promote reform, and promote the orderly development of benchmarking work. The second is to continuously improve the management system. Strictly implement the responsibility statement of occupational health and safety and environmental protection objectives and the company's economic responsibility system assessment rules, do a good job in the management of three violations and on-site supervision and inspection, put an end to risky operations, timely correct illegal command and illegal operations, find potential safety hazards, and supervise rectification within a time limit. The third is to strengthen the front-line construction management, pay attention to the on-site management of special operations, facilities and equipment maintenance operations, limited space operations, etc., strictly implement the work system and operation procedures, and strictly prevent all kinds of safety accidents.






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