Although plain and light, but this is the "real" me



He is of medium height, strong body, rough and powerful hands, and a simple and honest smile often hangs on the black and red face. He is Zhang Fengle of Zhaojin Geological Exploration, an ordinary circuit and equipment maintenance worker. For 14 years, he has always devoted himself to the work of his post with high enthusiasm and positive attitude.

Comrade Zhang Fengle's consistent style of work is obscurity, hard work and practical results. He always keeps the operation of the equipment in mind, and has the courage to innovate and reform boldly. The original SGX-13 drilling tower of the enterprise can only construct 75~90 drilling holes, which can no longer meet the requirements of drilling construction technology according to the current production situation. However, it needs 600000 yuan to purchase a new equipment capable of constructing 400 m horizontal drilling, which not only requires large investment and high cost, but also causes the original equipment of the company to be idle. To this end, Comrade Zhang Fengle took the lead in setting up a team to boldly carry out technological innovation and technological reform on XY-44 and XY-4 rigs through multi-party research and data access. He led the team to learn from the characteristics of some advanced drilling equipment, and combined with the characteristics of the drilling rigs used by the enterprise, he developed and produced adjustable drilling towers matched with XY-4, XY-44 and other types of drilling rigs. The modified drilling tower can rotate together with the gyrator, can always keep in a straight line with the gyrator, and can be constructed in drilling holes with any inclination. Through the actual construction application and practice, it is proved that the drilling tower is economical, easy to move, low maintenance cost and strong working ability, especially suitable for underground horizontal hole operation, and this reform has saved 600000 yuan of equipment expenses for geological exploration.

People often say that as long as you work hard, you can achieve extraordinary results in ordinary positions. When Comrade Zhang Fengle worked, he had no free time or holidays in his mind. He always said, "we should solve difficult problems at a faster speed."

In mid-June this year, the main building of Zhaojin Geological Exploration was relocated. Comrade Zhang Fengle took the time to solve the circuit problems in the new office building every day. In order not to delay the normal use of electricity by the big guys, he used the off-peak time to overhaul the lines, often the first to come and the second to go. Once, when investigating the circuit of the new office building, he found that there was a discharge problem in the transformer and casing of the new office building. He immediately reported it, and then took the time to communicate with professional and technical personnel, and organized personnel to take safety measures in time to avoid possible Hidden dangers.

After years of work, Comrade Zhang Fengle is well aware of the importance of training talents. In the process of communicating with colleagues, he regards every maintenance work as a demonstration class, and at the same time carefully explains the maintenance problems that are difficult to pay attention to to to young employees. When young employees can repair independently, he will also teach carefully beside him and pass on his rich maintenance experience to young employees. He often said that as an electrician and an equipment maintenance worker, although he can not directly create benefits for the enterprise as the front-line employees of the machine, he will work harder to enrich his knowledge, better complete his work, and contribute to the rapid development of the enterprise.

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Although plain and light, but this is the "real" me

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